Tuesday 9 October 2018

How To Deal With The Stresses Of Home Renovations: Part 2

You may have read part 1 of this mini-series, but if not, feel free to check that out! Here are some more tips to deal with any potential stresses that come with home renovations:

1. Expect the unexpected

Nothing is for sure in the world of renovations, especially if you’re doing it on your own. The only way to really prepare yourself for this journey is to expect the unexpected. Anything can happen from one moment to the next, so give yourself some wiggle room to breathe. As mentioned in part 1 of this series, this could come in the form of setting a budget lower than your ideal limit. This means you have some extra cash just in case!

2. Seek professional help

There’s nothing wrong with wanting to do things yourself and learning as you go along. It’s a great experience! The only thing is, it might end up causing some stress. Either you keep making costly mistakes, or you feel overwhelmed by it all - whatever the case is, it’s probably a good idea to call in some professional help. It might even save you some money in the long run.

3. Tidy up

After a long day of renovations, all you want to do is eat something and rest - understandably so! The next day, however, could be daunting because of the mess that was made the day before. This could start you off on a bad foot. Try tidying up a bit at the end of every day to give yourself a good start when you continue in the future. You’ll thank your past self!

4. Remember to take breaks!

A lot of the time, we just want to get the renovations over with to minimize the time it takes to finish it all. This, however, creates more stress due to the fact that you’re not giving yourself any kind of physical or mental break. Lie down, eat something, or find a book to read on our online library, www.actionny.com, to take your mind off of the renovations momentarily. Taking occasional breaks means you get to recuperate and treat yourself - you deserve it! Renovations are tough, but the experience is priceless. Once you learn to deal with the stress, you’ll have fun with it!

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